Auscultation: tin cry (2013)
for accordion solo
dedicated to Vladimir Blagojević
Some metals such as tin, indium, gallium, zinc, and I think it is similar with people too, emit a certain silent crackling sound when they are folded – tin cry. The crackling sound is the result of the change in the crystal structure of the metal: under the influence of mechanical force a large number of atoms move at a high speed in the same direction starting a sound wave. It is possible to restore the original crystal structure of the metal by melting it.
dedicated to Vladimir Blagojević
Some metals such as tin, indium, gallium, zinc, and I think it is similar with people too, emit a certain silent crackling sound when they are folded – tin cry. The crackling sound is the result of the change in the crystal structure of the metal: under the influence of mechanical force a large number of atoms move at a high speed in the same direction starting a sound wave. It is possible to restore the original crystal structure of the metal by melting it.
performed by vladimir blagojević at 22nd international review of composers (belgrade, 2013)
Osluškivanje: plač kalaja (2013)
za harmoniku solo
posvećeno Vladimiru Blagojeviću
Pojedini metali (kao što su kalaj, indijum, galijum, cink, a mislim da je slično i kod ljudi) ispuštaju tihi krckavi zvuk prilikom savijanja – tin cry. Krckanje je posledica menjanja kristalne strukture metala: pod dejstvom mehaničke sile, veliki broj atoma se ubrzano kreće u istom smeru i pokreće zvučni talas. Prvobitnu kristalnu strukturu metala moguće je povratiti topljenjem.
posvećeno Vladimiru Blagojeviću
Pojedini metali (kao što su kalaj, indijum, galijum, cink, a mislim da je slično i kod ljudi) ispuštaju tihi krckavi zvuk prilikom savijanja – tin cry. Krckanje je posledica menjanja kristalne strukture metala: pod dejstvom mehaničke sile, veliki broj atoma se ubrzano kreće u istom smeru i pokreće zvučni talas. Prvobitnu kristalnu strukturu metala moguće je povratiti topljenjem.